Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Open Banking API.


This API is for our Open Banking product

This API is used for Outbound, the Flinks Open Banking product. For more information about using Outbound, speak with your Flinks Representative.

Using the Open Banking API

The Open Banking API is used by both Data Recipients and Partners to connect customer accounts and securely receive financial data from the customer's financial institution. Our Data Access endpoints use FDX (Financial Data Exchange), an industry standard to securely transfer financial data.

You'll see the following terms when using our documentation:

  • Data Provider: a financial institution or bank that a customer has an account with. The customer provides consent for the Data Provider to release their financial data to Partners and Data Recipients so they can use their services.
  • Partner: an organization that provides a financial service and is fully integrated as a partner in the Outbound ecosystem.
  • Data Recipient: an organization that provides a financial service, but is not fully integrated in the Outbound ecosystem. Flinks completes some of the technical integration aspects on their behalf, including the Data Provider registration process. At a high level, Data Recipients receive data from financial institutions.

Before you begin

Before you can start calling this API, you must receive client credentials from Flinks. This includes a client_id and client_secret. Client credentials are used to identify you as a specific client of Flinks and grant you secure access to our APIs. We provide these during the onboarding process.

Making your first API call

Getting started with this API differs slightly depending on which type of client you are. Refer to one of the following pages for more information on how to make your first API call: