
Use the /GetAllAttributes endpoint to return a list of all customer attributes (only available to Flinks clients who take a Tier 2 or above package).

To successfully call this endpoint, you must first call the /Authorize endpoint to obtain a valid requestId.

To learn more about this endpoint, see our Attributes Quickstart Guide.

Response Fields

CardobjectObject containing a id field (end user's LoginId) and all the requested attributes (name: value)
LoginobjectObject representing some end user's technical information such as the LoginId. See Authorize endpoint documentation for this object details.
RequestIdstringGUID representing an authorized request to the API. You get this value after a successful Authorize request.
AttributeDetailsobjectObject containing the fields TransactionId, AccountId, Date, Description, Debit, Credit per Attribute.


You may receive NONE_DETECTED in the response

If your response contains the NONE_DETECTED field, we did not find any transactions in that category in the account history and, therefore, do not have any data to return.

All attributes will return the NONE_DETECTED field if no data is available.
