Test Institution
/Flinks Capital is our dummy institution for you to test happy paths and edge cases while experimenting with different functionalities.
Username: "Greatday"
Password: "Everyday"
Institution: "FlinksCapital"
Security Questions and Answers
What city were you born in? : Montreal
What is the best country on earth? : Canada
What shape do people like most? : Triangle
Most of the MFA questions are basic arithmetic questions like:how much is 2 + 2.
Sometimes an account doesn't have MFA, when this happens an authenticated loginId will be issued after the username/password is validated by the FI.
To test this, change the username to: "greatday_nomfa"
Testing in the Flinks Dashboard
We provide dummy data that you can use to complete testing in your Flinks Dashboard. To start using dummy data, locate your sandbox credentials:
- Click on the Settings screen and navigate to the Environments tab.
- Locate the Sandbox environment, then expand the row. These are your sandbox credentials that you can use for testing.
These credentials will only work for testing purposes within the Flinks Dashboard
It's not a live sandbox environment and therefore will not work if you refer to it (either the environment or credentials) in your code. Do not include the sandbox credentials when you start to code.
Instead, use your API credentials that are located on the same page under your company project name.
Error handling
Disabled Account
Sometimes an account may be disabled on the institution's side. When that happens, Flinks Connect will return the DISABLED_LOGIN
To test this, change the username to: test_disabled_account
Service Unavailable
Sometimes the financial institution is doing maintenance and their services are not available. When that happens, Flinks Connect will return the RETRY_LATER
To test this, change the username to: test_service_unavailable
Operation dispatched
When your request exceeds 210 seconds of processing, we will return you a 202 - Accepted and a partial result of what had been processed so far. This means we have dispatched the process into a queue for long running operations. When that happens, Flinks Connect will return the OPERATION_DISPATCHED
In order to retrieve the data, you will need to long poll the Async endpoint as explained in the GetAccountsDetail Asynchronous flow.
To test this, change the username to: test_dispatched
Operation pending
When your request is not yet completed, we will return you a 202 - Accepted and a partial result of what had been processed so far. This means we are still processing the operations. When that happens, Flinks Connect will return the OPERATION_PENDING
In order to retrieve the data, you will need to long poll the Async endpoint as explained in the GetAccountsDetail Asynchronous flow.
To test this, change the username to: test_pending
Delay in GetAccountsDetailAsync
This test user will add a 30 second delay in retrieving the data through our /GetAccountsDetailAsync endpoint.
To test this, change the username to: greatday_delay
Expired Session
This test user will trigger a SESSION_EXPIRED message.
To test this, change the username to: test_session_expired
Too Many Failed Attempts
If the user enters incorrect login credentials, or fails to successfully answer the MFA question(s) after a certain number of tries, they'll be shown an error message.
To test this screen, change the username to: test_too_many_failed_attempts
Updated 5 months ago
If you need to test your integration with specific banks, It's also possible to reproduce special authentication flows from banks with Flinks Capital. Otherwise you can start your test integration with Flinks!