Working with Flinks
This page goes through the required parts for a successful integration.
Most of our customers integration requires a client-side (front-end) and a server-side (back-end) component.
Most of our customers integration requires a client-side (front-end) and a server-side (back-end) component. We will be focusing on in this quickstart guide.
The first piece is an iframe we call Flinks Connect. It is a plug and play widget that lives within your front-end application and allows your users to provide explicit and informed consent to authorize a secure link to their bank account.
The second piece is a series of back-end API calls in order to retrieve the data that you need about the account once it has been authenticated.
The quickstart guide will walk you through in detail how to complete this integration pattern, which can then be easily adapted for your unique use cases.
Additionally, you can always rely on our Flinks Integration Guide. This tool will give you a better overview of the different integration options.
See what new insights you'll soon be able to unleash
Understand what's needed before you can go to prod
Updated 12 months ago