List of FlinksPay Events
Set up an event listener to monitor your customers as they progress through the FlinksPay flow. To provide the best possible user experience, set up your integration to respond to each event.
The following table lists all customer events that FlinksPay may notify you about.
Event Name | Description |
APP_MOUNTED | The Flinks Pay application has successfully loaded |
CONFIRMATION | The first page of the Flinks Pay flow has been loaded (confirmation acceptance). |
APP_INITIATED | Session data has successfully located and a sessionId was created. |
INSTITUTION_SELECTION | The institution selection page was successfully loaded. |
INSTITUTION_SELECTED | The user has selected their financial institution and was redirected to their institution's login page to complete the payment. |
SUCCESS | The user has successfully completed the payment with their financial institution and the funds are guaranteed. The user can be let go at this point. |
CLOSE_ATTEMPT | The user has clicked on the close button. |
CANCEL_CONFIRMATION | The confirm cancellation protection page has been opened. |
CLOSE | The user has confirmed that they are cancelling the Flinks Pay flow. |
BACK | The user has clicked on the back button. |
Although this is optional, we highly recommend building this into your integration. For more information about the responses you can set up, contact your Flinks Representative.
Updated 12 months ago