Lending Attributes

Use this endpoint if you need a comprehensive breakdown of all of your users income sources, deep credit risk analysis and all necessary data points for underwriting your users. /GetLendingAttributes

The Lending Attributes package is designed specifically for underwriting a user based upon their transactional behaviour and is also an advanced use-case. It provides the necessary Attributes for both manual and automated underwriting methodologies. It covers most aspects of Income, Overall Risk Analysis, Predictive Risk and Cash-Flow Analysis, Specific Risk Analysis and Liability Analysis. This is our most comprehensive package offering before moving to the full library - offering a total of 750 data points on each end-user. Please find a breakdown of the Attributes contained within this use-case below.

Income Analysis

  • Total Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Total detected
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Employer Income (Overall)

    • Employer Name
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Estimated Annual Net
    • Frequency
    • Trend
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Employer Income (Primary)

    • Employer Name
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Estimated Annual Net
    • Frequency
    • Trend
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Employer Income (Secondary)

    • Employer Name
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Estimated Annual Net
    • Frequency
    • Trend
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Employer Income (Other)

    • Employer Name
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Estimated Annual Net
    • Frequency
    • Trend
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Non-Employer Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Total detected
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Government Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Employment Insurance Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Workplace Safety Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Disability Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Social Assistance Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Child Support Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Pension Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Total detected
    • Frequency
    • Last two deposit dates
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Insurance Income

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Total detected
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
    • Recurring Deposits (All)
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Sum per calendar month

Overall Risk Analysis

  • Account Analysis

    • Purchasing trend
    • Deposit trend
    • Overall activity trend
    • Count of active days
    • Active days trend
    • Average monthly free cash flow
    • Account age in days
    • Average monthly recurring payments
    • Average monthly recurring deposits
  • Overall Balance Analysis

    • Balance trend
    • Maximum balance
    • Minimum balance
    • Current balance
    • Balance as of 90 days ago
    • Count of days with a negative balance (in the last 90 days)
  • Specific Balance Analysis

    • Average closing balance day of any income
    • Average closing balance day after any income
    • Average closing balance day of employer income
    • Average closing balance day after employer income
    • Average closing balance day of government income
    • Average closing balance day after government income

Specific Risk Analysis

  • NSF Fees

    • Average monthly count
    • Count of total detected
    • Count last 30 days
    • Count last 60 days
    • Count last 90 days
    • Count last 6 months
    • Count on the day of employer income
    • Count on the day after employer income
    • Count on the day of government income
    • Count on the day after government income
  • Stop Payment Fees and Reversals

    • Count of fees last 30 days
    • Count of fees last 60 days
    • Count of fees last 90 days
    • Count of reversals last 30 days
    • Count of reversals last 60 days
    • Count of reversals last 90 days
  • Detection Attributes

    • Has employment income in last 7 days
    • Has employment income in last 14 days
    • Has employment income in last 30 days
    • Has government income in last 7 days
    • Has government income in last 14 days
    • Has government income in last 30 days
    • Is employment loss detected?
    • Has overdraft?
  • Committed Transfers

    • Average monthly recurring transfers out (complex)
    • Average monthly recurring transfers in (complex)
  • Loan Deposits

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Total detected
    • Sum last 30 days
    • Sum last 60 days
    • Sum last 90 days

Liability Analysis

  • Overall Loan Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Total detected
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Micro-Loan Payments

    • Micro-Lender name
    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Count of distinct micro-lenders detected
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Mortgage Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Auto Loan Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Student Loan Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Other Loan Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Telecom Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month
  • Utility Payments

    • Average monthly (complex)
    • Average amount
    • Frequency
    • Sum per calendar month
    • Count per calendar month