All Business Attributes

Use this endpoint if you would like to receive all available Business Attributes from our library. /GetAllBusinessAttributes

The /GetAllBusinessAttributes endpoint provides a list of all available Attributes that Flinks currently provides, as well as all related transactions to those Attributes, these differ from the consumer Attributes as they utilize business specific models and are normally utilized in SMB onboarding and lending use-cases. We currently have ~1,800 Individual Attributes across 9 primary and 38 sub-categories on the Business side.

To obtain the full updated list, please reach out to our team or refer to our /Library documentation in the API reference.

Please note that if you are not subscribed to the appropriate tier, you will not be able to access this endpoint. If you would like more information, please reach out to us.


Restricted Locations for this endpoint

Please note that we currently only support Business Attributes for full production use-cases in the Canadian market.

If you are looking to use these Attributes in the US Market, please reach out to the Flinks team and we will place you on the waitlist.